Snake bites woman in eye socket as she opens her front door

A woman almost got her eye punctured as a snake bit her on the eye socket when she opened her front door.

Unknown to Mara Jo Thomas, the snake had wrapped itself around a “God bless America” hanger and struck when opened the door to her Kentucky home.

The reptile bit her above her eye, causing her to bleed.

The mum-of-three recounted the story on Facebook, saying: “There is seriously never a dull moment in my life!

“Today, I got bit by a snake just a little above my eye. Kenley was outside and saw it and started screaming bloody murder, so of course I open the door and boom – it got me!

“Thankfully it wasn’t venomous and it didn’t get my actual eye!

“Poor K&M have helped me through a gallbladder attack and a snake bite! No telling what will happen next.”

Mara was strong and coordinated enough to take herself to the hospital after the attack to check out the bite but she didn’t need any anti-venom and no treatment was necessary.

What happened to the snake is not yet known but Mara added: “I’ll never have another door hanger.”


About Saxon

Saxon is a prolific writer with passion for the unusual. I believe the bizarre world is always exciting so keeping you up to date with such stories is my pleasure

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