University Girl Celebrates Her Graduation By Eating 10 Wraps Of Okpa With Three Bottles Of Soft Drink

It is not easy to spend four years in the University and graduate in one piece. But celebrating it by embarking on what could be described as a suicide mission is what comes as a surprise.

A university student decided to celebrate her new status as a B. Sc holder by feeding on her best local delicacy, Okpa.

The unidentified girl finished her final paper, rushed into a shop popular for Okpa delicacy, requested for 10 wraps of Okpa. She began to carefully take the local snack one after the other and had consumed about four wraps with a bottled of soft drink before her friend captured the moment in pictures.

What a way to have the last bite of your best local snack before leaving school environment as a graduate.



























About Saxon

Saxon is a prolific writer with passion for the unusual. I believe the bizarre world is always exciting so keeping you up to date with such stories is my pleasure

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  1. UzochukwuAdaeze

    πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚… Speechless

  2. Anyadubalu Somto. v



  4. Nnopu blessing ogoo


  5. Nwadike Onyinye Sophia

    Nawo oooo, very strange

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