Man Falls From Pear Tree In Imo After Vicious Attack By Bees


It was an unfortunate day for 46-year-old Andrew Umeaku, after an adventure up a tree to pluck delicous-looking pears turned out a near-suicide mission.

Umeaku had on Tuesday July 10, climbed a pear tree behind his house in Urualla, Imo State,  not knowing that there was a bee hive hidden behind one of the branches containing succulent-looking bunch of ripe pears.

As he attempted to shake off the pears from the bunch he ended up shaking off a swam of bees that descended on him.

As Umeaku’s attempted to fight off the bees he slept off the tree branch he was standing on and landed heavily on the ground.

Those who were waiting for the pears to drop so they can pick them up ended up seeing Umeaku land heavily on the ground in serious pains both from the heavy fall and sting of bees.

They first began to remove scores of bee stings on him before rushing him to a nearby hospital for medical attention.

He is said to be responging positively to treatment without any broken bones from the fall.

About Saxon

Saxon is a prolific writer with passion for the unusual. I believe the bizarre world is always exciting so keeping you up to date with such stories is my pleasure

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