Taiwanese Man Swallows Earphone, Poops It and It Still Worked

A young man who mistakenly swallowed his earphone pooped it out, washed and tested it to discover it still worked. The young man became popular online after viral video showed him searching his poop to pull out the earphone.

The Taiwanese man, known online only as Mr Hsu, went viral this past week, for reasons someone should never become famous. He gained attention online after filming himself sifting through his poop, reports India Times.
Hsu says he fell asleep with the earphones in, and couldn’t find the one for his right ear when he woke up. The ‘Find My AirPods’ feature indicated the earphone was still in the room with him, but he couldn’t spot it anywhere. “The map showed that my AirPod was at home, and I could hear the ‘beep, beep’ sound, which seemed to follow me around the room,” Hsu wrote on social media.

“But I checked under my blanket and looked around but couldn’t find it – then I realised the sound was coming from my stomach!”
Though he wasn’t in any pain, Hsu decided (rightly) that he should head down to the local hospital. There, doctors used an Xray to confirm that he did indeed have one half of his headphones in his belly. They gave him a laxative and instructed him to watch for the Airpod in his stools. If it didn’t emerge after all, they would have to operate.

Luckily for Hsu, he says he was at a train station the very next day when he felt the need to relieve his bowels. Once he was done, what did he find floating in his stools but his missing AirPod.
So what did he do? He fished it out of course! Normally we’d seriously judge his sanity at that point, we know exactly how expensive AirPods are. And with his device just an arm’s length, there was no way Hsu was going home empty-handed (eared?). So reached in and fished out his device, all while filming of course.
The AirPod went into his stomach, passed through his digestive system over a day, came out covered in literal crap and still worked as intended.
“The battery was still at 41 percent!” Hsu said. “It was incredible.”

Source: India Times

About Saxon

Saxon is a prolific writer with passion for the unusual. I believe the bizarre world is always exciting so keeping you up to date with such stories is my pleasure

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