Tiger mauls boy in India then comes back hours later to kill his grandfather

Two members of the same family have been killed by what is believed to be the same tiger in India.

The man-eating tiger is reported to have ‘escaped’ from a nature reserve in India ahead of the deaths.

The elderly victim, a 75-year-old farmer, was found dead in the south of the country just 12 hours after his grandson was killed by the beast.

The elderly man’s killing took place on Monday, February 13, in Karnataka state.

The grandfather died in a field near his home in Palleri Village, Kodagu, just 650 feet from where his grandson, Chethan, was found the day before on Sunday, February 12.

The grandson was harvesting coffee at a plantation site when he was killed by the tiger.

His demise came just three kilometres from the Nagarahole Tiger Reserve where the tiger is thought to have been living.

The massive reserve spans 316 square miles between India?s Kodagu and Mysuru regions.

About 125 tigers are believed to live there.

Forest officials explained how vets were on standby to sedate the beast and told of how they were working overtime to try and find it by patrolling villages.

A further 25 camera traps have also been set up in a bid to increase the chances of the animal?s identification and capture.

The beast is reported to be injured.

(Mirror UK)


About Saxon

Saxon is a prolific writer with passion for the unusual. I believe the bizarre world is always exciting so keeping you up to date with such stories is my pleasure

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