Two jealous lovers charged to court for uploading sex tape of their married female friend

Judges gavel and law books stacked behind

This is one callous move that has landed the victim into crisis with her husband as their marriage is said to be on the brink of dissolution.

The two ladies, Faith Osemeuieme, 26 and Solace Okonta, 26 have been arrested and charged to court by police in Lagos Nigeria after they were reported to have uploaded a sex tape of their friend Mrs Chidinma Umeh on social media.

Police sources said that the suspects were not happy that the victim got married and they allegedly planned to scatter her marriage by unloading her sex tape on the social media.

PM News reports that the victim and the two ladies in question were friends before she got married and distanced herself from them in order to face her married life.

The two ladies were said to be unhappy with her conduct and they reportedly conspired and planned to distabilize her marriage. It was gathered that the duo obtained their friend’s sex tape and uploaded on the social media in order to disgrace and destroy her marriage.

PM News reports that as Chidimma saw the video trending on the social media, she confronted them because she knew they were her only friends that knew about the video. They were said to have beaten her seriously and injured her in the process.

How they obtained the video and kept in their custody was not known and it was not certain when the sex video was recorded and the partner in question.

The matter was reported to the Police through a petition to the Commissioner of Police, Lagos State Command, who ordered investigation into the allegations and the Human Rights Resource Center, Ikeja, trailed, eventually arrested and detained them for interrogation over their conduct.

After thorough interrogation, the Police found them culpable and subsequently charged them before the Ogba Magistrates Court for assault and conduct likely to cause breach of public peace by upholding her sex tape on the social media.

When the two girls were arraigned, they pleaded not guilty.

The prosecutor, Supol Raji Akeem, asked the Court to give a date for hearing since they pleaded not guilty to enable the Police to prove that they actually committed the alleged offence.

They were granted bail and remanded in custody pending when they will perfect their bail conditions while the fate of the victim’s marriage is now said to be hanging in the balance over the alleged dastardly act by her friends.

(PM News)

About Saxon

Saxon is a prolific writer with passion for the unusual. I believe the bizarre world is always exciting so keeping you up to date with such stories is my pleasure

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