Uganda Begins Arrest Of Citizens With Pornographic Photos, Videos, Screenshots Online


Uganda is making efforts to checkmate pornography which seems to be getting excessive in the society.

The country has what is called Pornography Control Committee (PCC) which has started the fight against excessive pornography. The country has finalized arrangements to commence the arrest of its citizens who have pornographic, photos, videos and screenshots online. Six unknown names have already been listed for arrest. They are Judith Heard, Lilian Rukundo, one Shanime, Jack Pemba, Honey Suleman which the facebook name of a woman who appears in a pornographic video, and Esther Akol who is a police constable.

According to Speaking to PCC chairperson, Dr Annette Kezaabu , while speaking with the The Observer, “We have compiled their pornographic photos, videos and screenshots that were leaked on social media. We have been described as too ambitious and not working but we are starting with arrests of these people to serve as a deterrent measure.”

Kezaabu appeared at Central police station in Kampala on June 5, to make final arrangements on how each of the suspects will be arrested, starting today. At least one of the six suspects, Pemba, has tried to approach the PCC seeking a way out but to no avail.

“The lawyer came to plead with us that when he [Pemba] comes, we do not embarrass him by arresting him at the airport. We told the lawyer to go back and the law will take its course. Pemba fled the country but we shall get him,” Kezaabu said.

During the interview, Kezaabu also showed The Observer some of the photos and videos where the culprits are allegedly involved. But she did not show Judith Heard’s nude pictures because she felt they were too disgusting to be shown on TV. “You are a young lady; these pictures are so disgusting for you to see. Just know we have all the evidence against her,” Kezaabu said.

In Uganda, the Anti-Pornography Act, 2014 describes pornography as any representation through publication, exhibition, cinematography, indecent show, information technology or by whatever means, of a person engaged in real or simulated explicit sexual activities or any representation of the sexual parts of a person for primarily sexual excitement.





About Saxon

Saxon is a prolific writer with passion for the unusual. I believe the bizarre world is always exciting so keeping you up to date with such stories is my pleasure

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