University Of Zambia To Train Students In Witchcraft

The University of Zambia (UNZA) is to begin a Degree programme primarily aimed at training students on witchcraft.

The programme is supported by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO). The organization has given the University of Zambia US$340000 to develop the Programme.

Zambia media reports state that the first set of students who will be 20 in number will commence studies soon on Intangible Culture Heritage which is what the course is all about.

According to Zambian Watchdog, the Zambia National Commission for UNESCO has explained that Intangible Heritage comprises of practices such as Witchcraft, social practices such as expression through music, Knowledge, skills-as well as the instruments, objects, artifacts and rituals.

According to Dr. Charles Ndakala, the Zambia National Commission for UNESCO Secretary General, despite efforts in safeguarding cultural heritage, there are cases of destruction of priceless culture heritage in certain countries which threatens traditions and customs.

He spoke to Hot FM News on the sidelines of a five days’ workshop for the orientation of UNZA Lecturers on Intangible Culture Heritage.

This course probably wants to promote Zambian culture but the part of witchcraft sounds weird.

Via Kusaka Times

About Saxon

Saxon is a prolific writer with passion for the unusual. I believe the bizarre world is always exciting so keeping you up to date with such stories is my pleasure

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  1. Salome Olisaeke

    Lol this is hilarious 😂

  2. Egbunonu chiemerie Cynthia

    Hmmmmm……what a fattish believe and practices

  3. Lolzzz this reminds me of the movie Harry Potter…

  4. UzochukwuAdaeze

    lol… Harry Potter the second

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