Video: Bear Charges at Charges at Man While Clicking Photos

The man was lucky to have gone into the bear’s space in the forest with bear spray otherwise the story may have been different.

A video has surfaced on social media showing the moment a man escaped a bear that spotted him in a forest.

It could be seen from the description text of the video that the incident took place in Canada when the man was clicking photos.

Curtis Matwishyn recorded the terrifying encounter on camera from where he escaped using a bear spray.

He used the spray to scare the bear away and it worked as the animal could not come closer to him.

The video has gone viral and it has been shared by ViralHog on YouTube.

The post shows that the incident took place on June 1 at Waskesiu Lake, in Saskatchewan.

“I was out photographing a bear from a safe distance when it caught scent and sight of me. Normally, I’m used to black bears running away when they’re aware of a person but this bear was behaving oddly. It came towards me and followed me even after I stood my ground, shouted, and waved my arms at it. Luckily I had bear spray and prepared myself to use it if the bear charged at me,” said the man, according to the description of the video.

“I slowly and safely started retreating back to my car and after a couple of minutes of it following me, I decided to start filming. The bear continued to follow me and was getting closer. When I was in a good position with the wind at my back and the bear coming close to me, I sprayed it with the bear spray. Thankfully the bear spray worked as designed and sent the bear running away,” he further said.

The man received praises on the way he handled the situation while recording the video.

A user wrote, “Handled that really well dude. Nice calm attitude, and just a little spritz of spray to end the encounter. Nice work.”

While another said, “This was a perfect execution of a bear encounter avoidance. This bear was likely a juvenile who was curious, or looking to practice territorial dominance.”


About Saxon

Saxon is a prolific writer with passion for the unusual. I believe the bizarre world is always exciting so keeping you up to date with such stories is my pleasure

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