Boys fondle and grope helpless girl in a crowded pool (video)

A girl had to be helped out of a crowded pool after a group of boys touched her inappropriately and pulled out her swimsuit in an attempt to strip her naked.

In the video going viral on Twitter, the girl is seen trying to fight off boys who surrounded her in the pool and were reaching for different parts of her body.

She seemed helpless as she was outnumbered by the boys.

One boy even pulled at her bikini bottom and tried to dip his finger in her private part while she fought to protect her modesty.

Another boy is seen pulling her breast out of her bikini top.

Thankfully, someone outside the pool came to the girl’s aide and pulled her out of the pool.

The video sparked outrage and started a conversation about how boys are raised.

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About Saxon

Saxon is a prolific writer with passion for the unusual. I believe the bizarre world is always exciting so keeping you up to date with such stories is my pleasure

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