Man Commits Suicide After Bicycle Was Stolen From Him

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A 25-year-old man has allegedly taken his life after unknown men stole a bicycle from him.

The man from Mchinji, Malawi, was running a taxi bicycle business commonly known in that district as “Kabaza”.

Mchinji police spokesperson Kaitano Lubrino identified the deceased as George Mwale who was also famously known as Kalulu within Mchinji Boma where he was operating his business from.

Lubrino further said that eyewitnesses said they heard the deceased complaining about a stolen bicycle which he said was not his own.

“The following morning, fellow villagers saw him buying a rope at Mchinji Trading Centre which is suspected it was the one he used to hang himself with,” Lubrino added.

A postmortem conducted at Mchinji District Hospital revealed that his death was due to strangulation.

The deceased hailed from Mzenga Village in traditional authority Kapunula’s area in Mchinji.

What a weird way to protest stealing of your property.

About Saxon

Saxon is a prolific writer with passion for the unusual. I believe the bizarre world is always exciting so keeping you up to date with such stories is my pleasure

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