Police Officer Mistakenly Shoot’s Colleague’s Thigh While Chasing Suspect

Chuka town where the incident happened

A police officer’s bullet found the wrong thigh while he chased a suspect with his colleague.

The officer allegedly shot the suspect but missed as the the bullet settled in another officer’s thigh while stood behind the suspect.

The incident happened at Moi Girls slum, Chuka town, Kenya, and the police officer is currently in Chuka General Hospital.

The incident began after the officers had allegedly gone to arrest one Kevin Gitonga, at Moi Girls Slums in Chuka Town.

The Gitonga family yesterday accused the officers of harassing them in the raid without genuine reasons, reports Standard Media.

Gitonga’s wife, Doreen Gakii, said they were in a family meeting when the two officers arrived. “One of the officers told my husband that he wanted to kill him (Gitonga),” Gakii said.

She further said her husband started running away for fear of his life but stopped and surrendered after the officer who had threatened him released a warning shot in the air. She added that even after her husband surrendered the officer shot at him but the bullet only bruised him and hit the other officer who was already close her husband in the thigh.

Gakki further alleged, “The officer was determined to shoot my husband even after he surrendered. He wanted to shoot him in the head. However, the bullet only bruised him on the face but injured the other police officer,” Gakii said.

The incident was confirmed by Chuka/Igambangombe police boss Barasa Saiya, but he declined to provide details on the matter.


About Vanko

Vanko is a cheerful writer whose enthusiasm for unusual stories is inspiring.

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