Couple caught performing oral s3x act in Liverpool street (videos)

A video has surfaced online showing a couple performing an oral sex act in public.

A video shows the man standing against the wall with the woman squatting down in front of him, performing the sex act, while they were in full view of hundreds of bystanders in Concert Square, Liverpool.

Other clips also show the couple having sex in Bold Street and what appears to be a Merseyrail train.

The pair have been branded criminals by the Mayor of Liverpool.

On Friday, August 4, Liverpool’s Mayor Joanne Anderson slammed the couple and said she had been liaising with Merseyside Police.

Mayor Anderson tweeted: “I am extremely shocked and concerned at videos circulating showing acts of indecent exposure and sexual activity in our city. This isn’t amusing – it’s disturbing, damaging and an illegal act.

“It also sets a dangerous precedent for the young women & men of our city. Let me be clear – this is a criminal offence.

“Acts of indecent behaviour in public places in Liverpool is simply unacceptable and will not be tolerated. I have spoken with Merseyside Police and requested immediate and appropriate action.”

Watch the videos below.

About Saxon

Saxon is a prolific writer with passion for the unusual. I believe the bizarre world is always exciting so keeping you up to date with such stories is my pleasure

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