Do You Know That Two Men With The Darkest And Lightest Skin Colour On Earth Are Both Black Men?

Papis Loveday and Shaun Ross are described as the darkest and the lightest men on earth in terms of skin colour. But both of them are black men. While Loveday has a very dark skin pigment, Ross is a high level albino. The duo appeared in Chaos Magazine in photoshoot that had some swagger. They are both models.

About Saxon

Saxon is a prolific writer with passion for the unusual. I believe the bizarre world is always exciting so keeping you up to date with such stories is my pleasure

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  1. Hmmmm….. Its somehow unbelieving esp dat white nigga….

  2. Thanks for bringing this information to us.

  3. Udogu Ogechi Victory

    Wow!! You guys are looking good.

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