Father Christmases Hold Annual Congress

People dressed as Santa Claus wave from a canal boat as they take part in the World Santa Claus Congress, an annual event held every summer in Copenhagen, Denmark, July 23, 2018. REUTERS/Andrew Kelly

It was a gathering of over 150 Santas from around the world, wearing their colourful heavy suits and full beards to mark the 61st World Santa Claus Congress.

This year’s event which kicked on Monday July 23, was held in Copenhagen, Denmark, with many of the delegates coming from Japan and US, parading the streets of Copenhagen to the delight of locals.

It was a three-day event during which the Santas visited the Little Mermaid statue during a parade and went head to head in the Santa Obstacle Course World Championships.

“Normally us Santas work alone,” said Santa Ian Tom, 67, from Scotland, who is attending his sixth congress this year.

“This is like a big family. But a family you get on with.”

Another participant, Santa Douglas, 60, from Washington D.C., who was attending his 12th convention, said it was the international feel of the event that keeps luring him back.

“It’s interesting how when meeting others their culture starts to rub off on you and yours on them. For example, a lot of the Santa suits now are not the traditional gray Danish one. They’ve gone more American, which in a way is a shame.”

Via Reuters

About Saxon

Saxon is a prolific writer with passion for the unusual. I believe the bizarre world is always exciting so keeping you up to date with such stories is my pleasure

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