If You Have A Dog, May Be You Need To Sell It Off And Buy A Rooster As Your Guard After Watching This Incredible Video

This video is just incredible. It shows what a rooster (or Cock) can do if given a chance to take up the role of a dog. In this viral video, a rooster gave a dog a fight for its money and guess what the dog did?

Just find out!


About Saxon

Saxon is a prolific writer with passion for the unusual. I believe the bizarre world is always exciting so keeping you up to date with such stories is my pleasure

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  1. This Rooster get liver ooo, see as he come de jump, they stretch his neck for a small puppy, he should wait till the mother arrives.

  2. Chukwuanu Ekpereamaka Peace

    Hmmmm! This is serious.

  3. surprising!!! Rooster no dey fear ooooo

  4. Alagbogu Chinazom

    Hahahaha!! this reminds me of my dog Harley vs goat fight one certain time at home and this rooster, get nerves Lol see how they are raising shoulders

  5. Obiechina Ifunanya Vivian

    This is survival of the fittest! Lolz!

  6. Small cock with big God.,… Lol I love the spirit

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