I’m Coming After You – Nigerian Anas Tells Politicians

Anas Aremeyaw Anas is now a renowned dreaded, masked Ghanaian investigative reporter. His reports have exposed corrupt office holders not just in Ghana but Nigeria too. He is beginning to have die-hard disciples across Africa and one of them is in Nigeria.

The Anas disciple in Nigeria is just known as the Nigerian Anas. He was once chased out of examination hall when he masked like his idol, Anas of Ghana and wanted to sit for an exam. He was also chased out of the media organisation where he was undergoing an Industrial Attachment (IT) programme also for masking to work.

In this interview, the Nigerian Anas, a student of one of the State Universities in Nigeria, expressed his feelings about investigative journalism and the fight against corruption, including how he intends to make impact in Nigeria the way his idol, Anas Aremeyaw Anas, has made in Ghana.

In this interview, the Mass Communication student in a State University in Nigeria insists that his aim is to achieve higher goals in Nigeria more than his role model achieved in Ghana.

May we know you?

You can call me the Nigerian Anas.

What inspired you to become like the Ghanaian Masked journalist?

Anas is a true investigative reporter. You can see what he has achieved in Ghana. I was inspired by his doggedness and dedication to the journalism profession despite the attacks against him. Anyone who wants to make a name in journalism should strive to follow his footsteps. You remember he was recognized by former US President Barack Obama while he was in office. I strongly believe Donald Trump will recognize me with the way I’m going.

What do you intend to achieve in Nigeria?

Good question. Anas exposed a lot of corruption in government and that’s what I intend to do here in Nigeria. That’s why I started a little early to conceal my identity so I’ll have the liberty to write crack reports. In the next few years you’ll be hearing about my works. As I speak with you very few of my classmates still remember my face. My identity is beginning to fade in their minds. Once I leave school I’m going after Senators, Governors, Heads of Parastatals, Management of Higher institutions in Nigeria. I just hope I’ll be able to resist any bribe they give me. I hope the bribes won’t be too much to tempt me. But I promise my fans I’ll deliver.

But as a student how do you intend to move around in a mask?

Well, I’m already making headway on that issue. I already have one of my lecturers who has given me liberty to come for his lectures in this mask. I hope other lecturers will eventually understand.

So what your plans on graduation?

Like I said, I’m in a hurry to make a name in the field of investigative reporting. I’m going after politicians and heads of organizations once I graduate. I won’t want to work for anybody at all so I’ll have the freedom to operate. I just hope EFCC, Shell, NNPC, and may be Mobil will not offer me a job immediately because I would like to work first as a private journalist before considering any of those jobs. If they want me to work for them they can exercise patience. But just know that in the next few years you’ll be hearing about the first Nigerian Anas. I say first because I intend to inspire many money young journalists to become and dress like Anas so that in every corner of this country there’ll be an Anas. That way corruption will disappear from this country.




About Saxon

Saxon is a prolific writer with passion for the unusual. I believe the bizarre world is always exciting so keeping you up to date with such stories is my pleasure

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  1. I just hope he achieves his goals here in Nigeria and the politician should heed to his request

  2. Sandra emenike chinelo

    This is serious, buh we are solidly in support of you

  3. Chukwuanu Ekpereamaka Peace


  4. My dear am sorry….that your dreams won’t be achieved in Nigeria

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