Indiana Pastor forced to admit committing ‘adultery’ with 16-year-old girl, forced to resign

An Indiana pastor has admitted to committing “adultery” about 20 years ago. The Pastor identified as John Lowe II made the confession in front of his congregation after a 43-year-old woman identified as Bobi Gephart, came forward with a microphone to tell their church in Warsaw, Indiana, how he’d groomed her as a teen, starting when she was 16 (the legal age of consent in the state).

The incident which occurred on Sunday May 22, at New Life Christian Church and World Outreach in Warsaw, was captured on video and shared on Facebook. The video has since gone viral, with hundreds of thousands of views.

The confrontation occurred after Pastor Lowe II told the church that he ‘sinned’ 20 years ago by committing adultery, without mentioning how old the woman or girl was at the time. He begged for the church’s forgiveness, and then received a standing ovation.

However Bobi stormed towards the stage with her husband, Nate, to say it ‘was not just adultery’ because she was so young at the time.

She said;

‘For 27 years I lived in a prison… I lived in a prison of lies and shame. Lying to protect the Lowe family. For years I thought I was a horrible person, having suicidal thoughts and not realizing what had been truly done to me.

‘I would still be in a prison if my brother had not just approached me two weeks ago with what he had seen as a teenager that bothered him all these years: his pastor in bed with his younger sister.

‘I was just 16 when you took my virginity on your office floor. Do you remember that? I know you do.

‘You did things to to my teenage body that should have never been done. If you can’t admit the truth, you have to answer to God. You are not the victim here.’

Bobi’s husband Nate then added:

‘This is a lie. This is not just adultery.

‘It’s another level. It happened for nine years. When she was 15, 16, the grooming started.’

Pastor Lowe and his wife have resigned from the church

Nate also returned a pearl necklace that his wife had been given by the church and a ‘purity ring’ that he said the pastor gave her during their affair.

As the couple left the stage, the pastor then faced angry calls from the congregation.

‘If you did it you need to admit it!’ said one angry church-goer.  Another yelled: ‘We need to hear from our pastor!’ A third then cried out: ‘Give him the microphone!’

Lowe returned to the stage. At first he said: ‘I told you I committed adultery and that it went on far too long.’

A member of the congregation then shouted out: ‘You didn’t tell us she was 16!’

He then relented: ‘It was wrong. I can’t make it right. I can’t make it better. That’s just the way it is.  It’s not all true but it did happen, yes.’

Though Lowe is not likely to face criminal charges for the relationship because the age of consent in the state is 16. He has stepped down from the church and has been scrubbed from its website.

The church released a statement which read;

‘This long-held secret first came to light when a woman in the church came forward and disclosed the relationship to various people within the church.

‘When confronted by others in church leadership concerning that report, Pastor Lowe confessed privately that the adultery did, in fact, occur.

‘In anticipation of Pastor Lowe’s public confession during our church service, the woman in question and her family were invited to be present.

‘She did attend and, together with her husband, also addressed the congregation, indicating that improper sexual conduct first occurred when she was 16 years of age and continued into her twenties. She tearfully described living with deep shame and pain over the ensuing years.

‘In the wake of what has now been revealed, we are hurting and broken for a woman who has lovingly attended and served in the church for many years, as well as for her husband and family.

‘It is our deepest prayer and commitment to love, support, encourage and help her through a process of healing in any way in which we are able.

‘Our brokenness extends to Pastor Lowe, his wife and family as well.

‘For 42 years, New Life has taught and preached a Cross-driven message of repentance, forgiveness and restoration; a ministry of reconciliation which has been both led and modeled by Pastors John and Debbie Lowe.

‘As healing occurs in their hearts, their marriage and family, we are committed to demonstrating the same support, encouragement, counsel and forgiveness that has come to define the collective heart and ministry of this body.’

(Source: Daily Mail)

About Saxon

Saxon is a prolific writer with passion for the unusual. I believe the bizarre world is always exciting so keeping you up to date with such stories is my pleasure

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