Man Arrested In Saudi Arabia For Having Breakfast With A Woman

An Egyptian man got more than he bargained for after he was arrested for having breakfast with a fully veiled woman.

The man working as a hotel receptionist in Saudi Arabia was recently arrested after posting a short video of himself on social media having breakfast with the fully-veiled woman who is his co-worker.

The man, known only as “Bahaa”, was arrested on Sunday after a video of himself having breakfast with a female co-worker at a Jeddah hotel attracted a lot of unwanted attention on social media. The short clip shows only Bahaa and a fully-veiled woman eating breakfast, but that was apparently a clear violations of a Saudi law that states that workplaces and eateries should have separate spaces for men and women. It drew condemnation from the vast majority of Saudis, who saw this behavior as incompatible with Saudi culture.

“The government should prosecute those who dare to disrespect Saudi laws and systems, distort the image of our conservative society, and promote moral degradation with the strictest punishment…” one Twitter user commented.

Others said that the woman should be punished as well, as she also participated in this “farce”.

“I need to understand why men are constantly punished and not women,” a Saudi woman wrote. “I am a Saudi and I swear I want them to punish her with him. Laughter, eating at the workplace… where are your limits?”

After the attack on his first video, Bahaa posted a second one in which he describes people’s reaction as exaggerated, considering that he was only having breakfast with a co-worker. But the authorities had him arrested for posting what they saw as an “offensive” video on social media. He will most likely get deported for his mistake.

The hotel owner was also summoned for explanations, specifically why he failed to adhere to regulations related to women’s behavior in the workplace, and why he had hired an expat to do a job that should have been exclusive to Saudis.

While most Saudis declared themselves outraged by Bahaa’s video, there were those who considered his arrest and people’s reactions outrageous.

“If you are a ruler and commit adultery on air, we will pray for your [divine] guidance. But if you are an Egyptian migrant worker, eating fries with your female colleague?? Straight to prison, you infidel!” one Twitter user said.

“Fake religiosity: when you are aggressive with the weak and lenient with the powerful…” another person added.

via Middle East Eye

About Saxon

Saxon is a prolific writer with passion for the unusual. I believe the bizarre world is always exciting so keeping you up to date with such stories is my pleasure

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  1. Imagine, that’s a lesson to learn is not every picture we take that must go on social media.

  2. That’s so unnecessary

  3. hmmm we should be mindful of what we post on social media

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