Multi-Purpose Preacher On Duty

The only way to describe this weird photo is to say the idea is to achieve multi-purpose preaching goals.

This is a viral photo of a two-in-one masquerade meaning to kill two birds with one stone. In this age of globalization this masquerade seems to be interested in accommodating two major religions across the world – traditional religion and Christianity.

What’s your view on this image?

Written By Chinazom Alagbogu


About Saxon

Saxon is a prolific writer with passion for the unusual. I believe the bizarre world is always exciting so keeping you up to date with such stories is my pleasure

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  1. Alagbogu Chinazom

    I think the photo is trying to disclose people’s attitude towards Christianity and religion. Some people are not warm neither are they cold, they combine both Christianity and idol worshipping and then place God in the state of compromise. When you look at their lifestyle, is totally confusing you will be wondering where he/ she belongs like in the case of this photo, the person or spirit carrying Bible signifies that he is a half Christian and half demon. And I say ” choose you these day whom you shall serve”

  2. I only see a confused person who is stuck in a dilemma like situation ,he wants to Christianity but yet, he still yearns for traditionalism, or perhaps he wants to merge the two and experiment the outcome but sadly in the end he can only pick one and dump the other

  3. Obiechina Ifunanya Vivian

    This picture depicts two contradictory religions… You can’t serve two masters at a time, therefore it’s either you choose Christianity or Paganism and not combine both. As for my family and I, we’ve chosen to serve Christ till eternity.

  4. As we all know that “light and darkness has nothing in common”.The person or spirit is still in darkness because he is never determine to follow Christ as he claims and that is one thing with Christians today, they claim to be light where as they are still under bondage. we have to always remember that no one serve two masters at a time

  5. Chukwuanu Ekpereamaka Peace

    Hmmm, in my own opinion, I see this Masquerade as an entertainer who wants to do something different unlike other masquerades that uses charms trying to harm their on lookers. However, he still believes that there is a greater God that surpasses his own little god thereby trying to pay some respects in his own way by merging the two religions.

  6. You can’t serve two masters at the same time.Dressing like the devil to preach about God is not a good idea.

  7. obidigbo ifeoma Christabel

    This is common among most people that call themselves Christians, they will act as Christians in the city and when they get to their home town, they keep Christianity aside and embrace masquerade or traditional religion, it is just the reality, most people are two-faced.

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