Policemen Chasing Suspect Shoot Security Expert

Policemen attached to State Criminal Investigation Department, Yaba, Lagos, Nigeria, have shot a security expert while chasing suspects at the Murtala Mohammed International Airport, Lagos.

Tunde Adeparusi, a security expert, was hit by a stray bullet fired at suspects by the policemen, leaving him injured.

Adeparusi was on his way to the Murtala Mumammed International Airport on Friday when the bullet pierced his car and hit him, reports PUNCH.

It was learnt that the cops were allegedly chasing some suspects around the airport tollgate.

One of the policemen was said to have resorted to shooting when they were challenged for breaking the barrier at the tollgate.

The security expert, who spoke to PUNCH Metro on Tuesday, explained that he was waiting at the tollgate to pay a gate fee when he was hit by the stray bullet.

He said, “I was at the airport tollgate on Friday around 12.35pm, waiting to be attended to. I noticed that on the exit side of the tollgate, one vehicle sped past, while another speeding vehicle broke the barrier.

“After occupants of the vehicle noticed that they have broken the barrier, they stopped.

“Argument ensued between workers at the tollgate and the occupants of the vehicle who were apparently policemen; and before we know what happened we heard gunshots.

“They started shooting when the workers at the tollgate challenged them. The officer who shot was inside the car shouting that the workers allowed the suspects they were chasing to escape, threatening that he would shoot, and he eventually released some shots.

“At first, I did not know it was a gunshot, but I noticed that something pierced through my window side and the glass shattered on my face.

“One of the tollgate attendants shouted, ‘They have shot this man,’ not knowing that it was me they were referring to until I saw blood on my face.

“The policemen thought I was dead, one of them came out of the vehicle to pick up the empty shell and they drove off.

“I came out of my vehicle and I was taken to a nearby hospital. If not for God, I probably would have lost my life on Friday.”

Adeparusi noted that the CCTV footage revealing the face of one of the cops was released to Bisam Police Station where the case was reported to.

When contacted, the Police Public Relation Officer for the Airport Command, Joseph Alabi, said he was not aware of the matter.

He said, “I am not aware of the matter, but the complainant might have truly reported at Bisam Police Station. However, I will call to confirm the matter and call you back.”

Source: punchng

About Vanko

Vanko is a cheerful writer whose enthusiasm for unusual stories is inspiring.

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