Teenage girl sleepwalks through open window, falls five storeys onto street

The teenager fell from the fifth floor of a residential building after sleepwalking (Image: Newsflash)

An 18-year-old girl has been left seriously injured after she sleepwalked through an open window and plummeted five storeys to the ground.

The tragic accident happened when the woman, who has not been named, was staying with friends on July 18.

According to police, just after midnight she started walking in her sleep towards the open window when she shockingly fell 14 metres (46 feet).

The woman plummeted five storeys and was found outside the block of flats by nearby strangers.

She has suffered serious injuries as a consequence of the fall, according to officials in Neubrandenburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Germany.

The 18-year-old was found on the ground outside the apartment block by a passersby who immediately called emergency services for help.

Following a preliminary investigation, police believe the accident took place just after midnight when the victim was sleepwalking in the flat.

After being found by a passerby, emergency services took her to hospital where she remains with serious injuries, according to police.

Studies reveal that around four per cent of adults walk in their sleep, and around 30 per cent of children sleepwalk at least once before reaching puberty.

The perception is that children are affected more often is because their brain has not yet matured.


About Saxon

Saxon is a prolific writer with passion for the unusual. I believe the bizarre world is always exciting so keeping you up to date with such stories is my pleasure

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