Beauty And The Albino! See Stunning Creative Photography Used By A Professional To Celebrate The Beauty In Albinism; You’ll Definitely Love This (Watch Charming Video)

Albinism is generally seen as having a bit of stigma in most societies. But a creative photographer has used a collection of photos to change that narrative.

Yulia Taits, an Israeli photographer undertook a project in 2016 after being charmed by what she saw as the beauty of people with albinism. This project has lived on as one of the most remarkable stories in the world told about albinos.

Taits feels that albinos emerged from a fairy tale world and this inspired her to embark on the project.

The project contains photographs that reflect Taits’ admiration for albinos, revealing the hundreds of different shades of white and half-tones on display in these individuals’ appearances, which do so much to underline their natural charm.

You’ll surely love to watch this video containing the photos;







About Saxon

Saxon is a prolific writer with passion for the unusual. I believe the bizarre world is always exciting so keeping you up to date with such stories is my pleasure

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