Doctors Carry Out Surgery On Man After Fish Jumps Out Of Water Straight Down His Throat (Photos)

Doctors in Phatthalung province are baffled as they carry out surgery on a fisherman who was brought to the hospital on emergency case after fish jumped out of water straight into his throat.

The strange incident occurred in Thailand when a spikey Anabas fish jumped out of the water and into the throat of an angler.

Matters became worse as the freshwater struggled to escape through the man’s nose and got lodged between the unlucky angler’s throat and nasal cavity, according to New York Post.

The incident took place on May 22 in Phatthalung province, the report further said.

While speaking on the incident in detail, the Post further said that the fisherman’s oxygen supply was cut off and he clutched at his throat when the 5-inch intruder made its way down into his windpipe.

The man was rushed to Phatthalung Provincial Hospital, where doctors were puzzled to see his condition. The man told doctors that he had been spike-fishing with a harpoon underwater just before the bizarre incident.

“The chances of this happening are very low. I have never seen this kind of case before,” Sermsri Pathompanichrat, an officer at the hospital that treated the patient, saw quoted as saying by the Post.

An X-Ray was carried out to detect the exact location of the fish which revealed a five-inch-long spiky intruder inside of him. The doctors then performed an emergency surgery.

“Our physicians did everything they could to keep our patient’s organs from being damaged,” hospital officer Sermsri Pathompanichrat said. “They have successfully saved the patient.”


About Saxon

Saxon is a prolific writer with passion for the unusual. I believe the bizarre world is always exciting so keeping you up to date with such stories is my pleasure

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