Gang beat, rob and drag naked tourist to pub wrongly calling him a paedophile

The man was frogmarched down to the Sea Horse Inn with the intention to humiliate him (Image: Google)

A tourist suffered a terrible attack after he was beaten, robbed and stripped naked in his campervan before being dragged to a local pub in Wales by vigilantes who wrongly thought he was a paedophile.

The man was frogmarched to the Sea Horse pub in Newquay where he was thrown out and forced to sit bleeding and bruised on the pavement outside where a female member of the vigilante gang then kicked him in the face and laughed, a court heard.

Stephanie Jones, 29, and her partner Jordan Davies, 28, are the only two members of the gang who have been identified and they have refused to tell police who else was involved, WalesOnline reports.

Swansea Crown Court heard that the two defendants were arrested within days of the assault but it took police more than three years to charge them, a delay one of their advocates said “beggared belief” and which the judge described as “so egregious it is quite startling”.

The victim, a Lithuanian national, had been living and working in London and the incident took place in July, 2018, when he visited west Wales in his campervan.

Stephanie Jones, 29, was part of a gang that beat up a tourist who they wrongly claimed was a paedophile (Image: Media Wales)

Craig Jones, prosecuting, said on the night of July 18 he was parked up in the centre of Newquay near the Sea Horse Inn and was preparing for bed when a group of people who had seemingly “taken against his presence having convinced themselves without any foundation that he was a paedophile” approached the vehicle.

The gang used mobile phone torches to locate and beat the man, strip him naked, as well as steal from him his iPad, phone and laptop along with cash and bank cards.

Mr Jones said the victim was then forced to go to the Sea Horse pub to “degrade and humiliate” him further.

He said the victim asked people in the bar for help but “for reasons that are not clear” he was told to leave the premises.

The injured and distressed man sat on the pavement outside and then the female member of the group – later identified as Jones – kicked him forcibly in the head before laughing.

Jordan Davies, 28, was part of a gang that beat, stripped and robbed a tourist in Newquay (Image: Media Wales)

The court heard that a member of staff from the pub later came out and gave the victim a blanket and took him inside before calling police.

The tourist was taken to hospital where a CT scan revealed a subarachnoid haemorrhage – bleeding on the brain – in addition to the obvious cuts, bruises and severe swelling around the eyes.

Mr Jones said that in the hours after the incident Davies chatted to friends on social media about the events of the night, and in one of the messages boasted the victim was “a mess – ha ha” and in another said he had “robbed him and made him walk through Newquay naked”.

In other messages Davies expressed concern about the police presence in the town following the attack and about the possibility of being caught, but said he had spoken to others at the scene and they told him they would keep their mouths shut.

Co-defendant Jones also effectively made admissions about her involvement in the attack in a Facebook post in which she talked about “the boys” going to the van of a man they believed to be “paedo” and beating him up, something which made her “happy”.

He also described how she had told the man to take his clothes off before kicking him in the head.

Following inquiries in the town, police arrested Jones and her partner Davies. The other people who took part in the assault and robbery have never been identified.

The court heard details of an impact statement from the victim in which he said he had been working in the tourism sector in London helping to arrange tours and excursions for visitors before taking the fateful trip to Wales.

He said after the assault he had gone home to Lithuania for three months to recover, and had been left suffering with panic attacks and psychological problems.

He added that the theft of his laptop and iPad – items which he used for his freelance job and which have never been recovered – meant he lost his employment.

Reports have it that Jones and Davies, now both of Glasfryn, Llanelli, Carmarthenshire, had previously pleaded guilty to robbery and inflicting grievous bodily harm on the day they were due to stand trial when they appeared in the dock for sentencing.

(Mirror Online)


About Saxon

Saxon is a prolific writer with passion for the unusual. I believe the bizarre world is always exciting so keeping you up to date with such stories is my pleasure

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