Man Chops Off His Nose And Ears To Look Like Living Human Skull

A Columbian man has chopped off his nose and ears in order to look like a living human skull.

The Eric Yeiner Hincapie Ramirez, 22, says he has always been obsessed by human skulls and had longed to look like one.

Today, he has become an instagram superstar after achieving his aim.

He haas started going by the name Kalaca Skull after two years of extreme surgery.

Ramirez also split his tongue in two and dyed it grey before having dark sockets permanently tattooed around his eyes.

Young Eric before the surgery

He is now a local hero, with his Instagram profile regularly featuring pics of himself greeting fans.
He told Colombian news site Rio Noticias: “Body modifications are a personal decision and should not be judged.
“It is like judging a woman for getting breast or buttock implants.

“For me, a skull is like my sister, a part of my family really, I feel very attached to them.”

He described being transformed into a walking talking skull as a “dream come true”.
“I am a normal person who just happens to look a lot different than most other people,” he said.
“It’s like a different way of thinking, of dressing, a different style of music.

“I just feel good the way I am.”

Source: Daily Star


About Vanko

Vanko is a cheerful writer whose enthusiasm for unusual stories is inspiring.

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  1. I reserve my comment because na him choice….. let me mind my business

  2. Look at what Satan is using people to do these days. OK oo congrats to your dream come true skull

  3. Hmmm…. The Columbian Government should grab this man and send him to a rehab ooo before he’ll degenerate more and cause harm to other people

  4. Nawa what kind of “dream come true” is this.

  5. Obiechina Ifunanya Vivian

    Horrible look…

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