Tree Top Library! See What A Student Did After His Lecturer Told Him To Study Above Others In Order To Pass Difficult Courses

Well, there are so many ways to go the extra mile to achieve a goal. A student in a State University in Nigeria has his own plans to get ‘A’ grade in all courses. Second semester examination is around the corner; the student was spotted reading on a tree behind his lodge. When accosted by his colleagues he said one of his lecturers told him the secret to having ‘A’ grades was to study abnormally hard; that he should read above his classmates to become the best in class. This was what he did.

This guy actually took the joke too far but is surely getting social media attention for that.

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About Saxon

Saxon is a prolific writer with passion for the unusual. I believe the bizarre world is always exciting so keeping you up to date with such stories is my pleasure

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