Young children left traumatized after finding a human skull in a plastic bag in their garden

Two youngsters have reportedly been left ‘traumatised’ by the discovery of human remains in their garden.

Tegan Mayall, 25, who lives in Aberdeen, UK told the Press and Journal her four-year-old son Noah and their neighbour’s daughter were playing in the garden of the apartment block where they live before they found a human skull wrapped inside a plastic bag.

‘They both ran over to the side of the garden and grabbed this bag and we weren’t sure what was in it.

‘The kids were messing about with it because they thought it was a Halloween decoration, because that’s what it looked like.

‘It’s normally a quiet building and everyone goes out and it’s not what you expect to find in a garden.’ she said

Police officers worked at the scene for five hours on Wednesday afternoon, May 3 asking all residents of the building to remain in their flats for the duration of the search.

A police spokesperson said: ‘Following theft from a church in Union Street, Aberdeen, a 17-year-old man was arrested and charged on Wednesday, May 3.

‘A report will be submitted to the procurator fiscal.’


About Saxon

Saxon is a prolific writer with passion for the unusual. I believe the bizarre world is always exciting so keeping you up to date with such stories is my pleasure

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