Chinese Restaurant Employs Pretty Crayfish Peelers So That Customers Would Not Get Their Hands Dirty

A restaurant in Shanghai, China, is making headlines for adopting an innovation in the business. The restaurant employed two crayfish peelers to do the dirty work of removing the crayfish shells while customers browsed social media or played online video game.

The two young ladies employed for this purpose peel the crayfish right at the customers’ tables and place the succulent flesh in the plates while the customers do other things.

The restaurant is located in Shanghai’s Huangpu district. When you buy crayfish you either go ahead and peal it yourself or at an extra cost you can request a crayfish peeler that will be glad to take care of the dirty work while you watch or chat with your friends or play on your smartphone. Crayfish are really popular in China these days, so the two young peelers usually handle around 100 crustaceans every day, which earns them a nice monthly salary of over 10,000 yuan ($1,500).

“Peeling crayfish is actually quite an annoying thing to do and your hands get dirty, so we have introduced professional crayfish peelers here,” the restaurant owner said in a Pear video. “The customers need not stop, and they can still eat crayfish.”

Here is what the restaurant owner means when he says customers ‘need not stop’? This particular restaurant is apparently very popular among mobile video game fans, many of which gather here to play in teams. The problem is that popular games like King of Glory or Honor of Kings require both hands to play, and that doesn’t leave any available for crayfish peeling. And that where the professional peelers come in.

He Nanxin, one of the two crayfish peelers at the restaurant, is a fourth-year university student majoring in fashion design. She and her colleague receive 15% of the peeling service charge, which apparently helps them earn five-figure salaries every month. She also likes that the job gives her the opportunity to interact with all kinds of people.

This is an interesting way for a lady to make some money and have the opportunity to interact with people of different classes in the society.

Via Oddity Central


About Saxon

Saxon is a prolific writer with passion for the unusual. I believe the bizarre world is always exciting so keeping you up to date with such stories is my pleasure

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