Chinese Woman Surprisingly Doubles In Weight After Taking Weight Loss Pills For Seven Years

A Chinese woman is battling with the shock of getting the opposite of what she bargained for when she began a weight loss process.

The 25-year-old woman who chooses to hide her identity, began to take weight loss pills seven years ago, after watching a convincing commercial on TV.

At that time she weighed just 100 pounds but felt like dropping a few pounds since the convincing advert promised that.

When she began to take the pills she initially saw results as she dropped a few pounds. When she decided to stop taking the pills the weight she lost did not just return but much more weight suddenly appeared also.

She never knew it was the beginning of a vicious cycle that would see her spend around 200,000 yuan ($30,000) on various weight loss pills and custom diet plans over the next 7 years, only to have her weight double during that time.

The young woman’s story was recently published by the Chengdu Business Daily newspaper, after the 25-year-old woman traveled from her home town of Yibin to Chengdu, for a stomach reduction operation. She arrived at the Chengdu People’s Hospital and told the doctors there that after 7 years of struggling and nothing positive to show for it, the operation was her only chance.

The woman narrated how she had used several weight loss pills in the last seven years some of which she cannot remember which did not work as advertised online. She said some of them worked when she began to take them but anytime she stopped taking them she ballooned back to her previous weight and inmost cases with extra weight added. Now she has decided to do a stomach reduction surgery.

The woman told the Chengdu Business Daily that she had spent around 200,000 yuan on weight loss pills and custom diet plans in the last 7 years, and showed reporters her online purchasing history as proof. The woman claimed she wanted people to be aware that advertising is very different from reality when it comes to weight loss products, because she is a clear example of that.

Doctors at Chengdu People’s hospital said that while the woman’s eating habits had certainly contributed to the weight gain, the drugs she had taken during the last seven years were the main cause. Wang Zhong, deputy director of the Department of Nutrition, told reporters that weight loss pills work by curbing appetite, or increasing excretion to achieve rapid weight loss, but this effect is not stable and long-lasting. No matter how good the advertising for weight loss pills is, weight loss is a long – term systematic process.

This is surely a disappointing irony for someone who set out to look good and better only to end up seeing the opposite.


About Saxon

Saxon is a prolific writer with passion for the unusual. I believe the bizarre world is always exciting so keeping you up to date with such stories is my pleasure

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