Meet Ronnie And Donnie: The Oldest Conjoined Twins In The World

Ronnie and Donnie, born in 1951 now hold the record as the longest living conjoined twins in the world. That record was initially held by Italian conjoined twins,  Giacomo and Giovanni Battista Tocci who were born in 1877 and lived until the age of 63.

Ohio twins, Ronnie and Donnie Galyon have lived up to 67 years, becoming the world’s oldest conjoined twins.

For them, every activity is a big feat, from seemingly some tasks such as walking down the road, taking a dip in the pool or coming out if a car. Every thing they do is a result of cooperation, effort, compromise, and dedication.

For Ronnie and Donnie, living up to their sixties is a big feat achieved to the surprise of many.
Their younger brother Jim, told Nine Lives Media 1 that when Ronnie and Donnie were born in 1951, doctors didn’t even expect them to make it through the night.

The conjoined twins have surpassed expectations of many,  still thriving over six decades later.

“They’re one body, but very much two human beings,” says Jim of his two brothers.

The twins have four arms, four legs and share a lower digestive tract and pelvic area. They’ve spent every waking moment with each other, face-to-face, but have never known any other way of life.

Watch video below to see how cooperation and compromise keep them going.

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About Vanko

Vanko is a cheerful writer whose enthusiasm for unusual stories is inspiring.

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