See Barber Born With No Hands Showing Stunning Haircut Techniques (Video)

You may have seen some things that looked impossible but this one will surely stun you. Gabriel Heredia is a living proof that no challenge can stop you from achieving your goals.

The 20-year-old Argentinian has perfected techniques for cute haircuts and beards trimming. He was inspired at an early age of 14 to go into barbing after observing his mother’s dedication as a tailor. It first started as a hobby but as Gabriel saw he was enjoying what he was doing he decided it was a profession he would want to take up.

“I have learnt to serve a glass of water by myself, I’ve studied, I’ve learnt to ride a bike, a motorbike, and even to drive a car,” Gabriel said about growing up with his severe disability.

His family soon helped him open his first barbershop, which he worked at for one and a half years. There, he met Zlatan Gomez, the president of Argentina Corta, an organization for barbers to connect, do charity work in less fortunate neighborhoods, and teach hairdressing to those who are interested. Gabriel is now part of Argentina Corta, offering up his services to people of all ages so they can build up the skills they need to get decent jobs.

Gabriel also makes effort to connect with the neighborhood: “The thing that I like the most of my job is that people feel comfortable and stylish with my cuts and that makes me feel happy.” He is also a perfectionist: “I want my shop to be the best and to have another barbershop too.”
Gabriel has an eleven-month-old son named Tobias, whom he said gives him strength. “I want to raise him with this message: there is nothing you can’t do. You have to improve yourself day by day.”
Today he runs his own barber shop in Buenos Aires, where people line up around the block for his services. He opened up shop just a month ago with his girlfriend Yanina, whose aunt offered him the space rent-free, and business is booming.

What an inspirational piece the challenged in any country.

Via Oddity Central



About Saxon

Saxon is a prolific writer with passion for the unusual. I believe the bizarre world is always exciting so keeping you up to date with such stories is my pleasure

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