See The Stunning Art Works of “Needle Man”, The World’s Only Sewing Machine Painter

This is an amazing feat – the only man who can paint with a sewing machine in the world. This must be a painstaking task. Arun Kumar Bajaj amazing skill is technically embroidering, not painting, but his artworks are so incredibly detailed that they could pass as hyper-realistic paintings to the untrained eye. Doing this with only sewing maching is what makes it exceptional.

Arun was really good at drawing and painting growing up and dreamed of becoming a famous painter, but his father’s sudden death, 15 years ago, foiled his plans and forced him to abandon school in order to run the family business. His father was a tailor and he became one too, but he didn’t let the artist in him die. Instead, he started “painting” with needle and thread, but instead of using his hands, he decided on a rather unusual embroidering tool – the sewing machine. It took him a while to master this unique art form, but today he is recognized as the world’s only sewing machine artist.

“I’ve been stitching for the last 23 years, since I was 12,” the 35-year-old artist told DNA India. “My father was a tailor but he died early, when I was 16, and I had to drop out of school to take over the shop. I was good at sketching in school, and this was a way I could combine the two arts.”

“I didn’t want to remain just a darzi (tailor) all my life,” Arun added. “I wanted to make a name for myself, even though my obsession has caused financial uncertainty to my family.”

Luckily, his perseverance paid off, and his works became sought after both in India and abroad. It’s easy to see why, just by looking at them, but what really makes his embroideries special is the tool he uses.

Via oddity central



About Vanko

Vanko is a cheerful writer whose enthusiasm for unusual stories is inspiring.

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  1. Egbunonu chiemerie Cynthia

    Wow…so amazing

  2. Awesome!!! ….never heard of this before

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