Man completes gruelling mission to drink 2,000 pints in 200 days

A man who was aiming to drink 2,000 pints in 200 days has finally reached the milestone, and – in the end – he’s done it pretty easily, it would seem.

For the past 200 days, TikTok creator Jon May has been documenting his drinking and quantifying his quaffing online.

Sure, it’s a lot of alcohol to drink – too much, for sure – but he’s managed it with a bit extra in the tank by the looks of things.

Today at The Market Tavern in Atherstone, Jon supped from his glass and savoured the sweet taste of victory, sinking the 2,000th pint and completing his challenge.

Jon May finished his mammoth drinking session today. Credit: TikTok/@j0nmay

Obviously, he’ll be chuffed with that.

“We might have f**ked up the audio on the 2000th pint, but that’s how we role. We don’t give a f**k,” he said after the big achievement.

He’s also chuffed to have made TikTok creating his full time job, as he told LADbible yesterday: “It’s definitely improved my life, instead of getting up and having to do a normal job, like going to Tesco, I can choose when I work, what hours I work, it also means I can volunteer a lot more and help some worthwhile causes.”

Jon admitted that he has contemplated packing it in, though he’s ultimately glad he achieved the end goal.

He said: “At the beginning, yes [I thought about quitting].

“Currently I’ve got about 108,000 followers because of it, so I’ve got people telling me ‘When is the video, when is the video?’

“So, that helps.

“But at the beginning, I didn’t have that so there was a point of like ‘is this really worth it?’

“Has it been worth it – yeah, it has been worth it, definitely.

“I’ve helped quite a lot of pubs [too].”


He certainly has – not least The Market Tavern, who have agreed to sponsor his final push to the finish line.

Jon enjoying one of his pints. Credit: TikTok/@j0nmay

Now, you’d think that he might be set for a lengthy period of sobriety following this herculean effort, but that can wait for another day, at least.

Jon told us: “I’m going to the Joshua [Buatsi] fight on Saturday, so I won’t be off the beers then, but the Sunday I will be. I’ll have like a week off.

“But then I’ll be back at it, I’m going to do every city in the UK afterwards.

“I’m going to travel to all of these cities and start reviewing some of the pubs and the area, stuff like that.”

With any luck, he’ll be able to capture the public’s imagination as he has with this mammoth undertaking.

Hopefully whatever he chooses next will be easier on his liver.




About Vanko

Vanko is a cheerful writer whose enthusiasm for unusual stories is inspiring.

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